
St Anthony's Catholic Primary School visit

30th November 2022

St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School visit

On Wednesday 23rd November we welcomed approximately 60 Year 5 & 6 students from Padua form classes at St Anthony's.  Thankfully, the heavy early morning rain abated as the students set off across Ebury Way on foot, arriving at 10.45am.  After a quick tour of the school canteen the students were welcomed by Deacon Liam in the Chapel. Alongside a hearty welcome, Liam explained the centrality and deep significance of the Chapel to our school community.

The students then commenced their taster activities which focused on exposure to the Arts and Sciences. All students enjoyed 45 minute sessions in Drama and Music led by Mr Woollatt and Mr O’Reilly respectively. The students had an opportunity to perform role plays under the lights in the Drama studio while their Music lesson topically culminated in a rousing rendition of ‘Football’s Coming Home’.  

At lunchtime our visitors moved to the 3G Sports Pitch where lunches were polished off quickly to maximise time for playing football and rugby before the final session commenced. In their final session, the students joined the Science department to conduct ‘colourful’ experiments in the labs with cabbage, test tubes and various liquid solutions.

During the day it was great to see so many of our students light up when recognising a familiar uniform and greeting their former primary school teachers as our visitors travelled around the school.  Foremost of these former St Anthony’s students were Sammy B 7KL, Celine B 7BP, Jesse K 8RJ and Lilia B 8BP who acted wonderfully as guides for our visitors during their time with us.

Sincere thanks to the staff members who ensured such a memorable day for all who attended: Deacon Liam; Mr O’Reilly; Mr Woollatt; Miss De Villiers; Mrs Hussain; Ms Brummer & Miss Claasens, as well as the Sixth Form Science prefects.

The students of St Anthony’s and their teachers were extremely complimentary of the day on their departure with one student remarking that it was “the best school day ever”. We look forward to welcoming the remaining Year 5 and 6 students from the Lisbon form classes in the spring.

Mr Lee

Deputy Headteacher

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