My Child At School

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My Child At School [MCAS] is a portal enabling parents to view their child's academic
performance in real-time via a web browser. This facility allows exclusive access to the
child's Attendance, Behaviour & Time table whenever the parent/carer wishes.

It also allows dinner money deposits and to that extent replaces ParentPay.

The school will provide an 'Invitation Code' that can be redeemed at the web address below and will allow you to register with the MCAS site.

Once registered you will need the following to login NOTE: the invitation code is a one use code and can not be used after registration to login.:

The school ID : 11566

Your personal MCAS username. NOTE: This is not your email address but the username you received on your Invitation letter.

The password you set on registration. NOTE: if you can not recall your password a new one can be obtained via the 'forgotten my details' link on the login page. This will be sent via email to the address you entered on registration as your recovery address. 

Login here:

Mcas login




Click on image for Parental User Guides

Mcas appMcas parent